
I'd like to apologize for going so long without updateing the page, I've been very busy lately, but I don't want anyone to think that i have forgotton about my beautiful dark goddess, on the contrary, she is always on my mind.


I want to thank everyone for all the great comments and suggestions i've been getting. I'm presently working on the new art gallery, I'm very happy you liked the idea, if you have any artwork you'd like to see in the gallery
just send it to me

I'm also thinking of adding a gallery dedicated to Lynda as Diana Prince.(who doesn't love her in that uniform?)
oh, and i added a couple more pictures today of Wonder Woman, click here to check them out.


Not a lot going on with the site today...

i'm trying to decide if i should add an area to
the site for diplaying Wonder Woman artwork. It would be a place where i will post Wonder Woman artwork i have collected over time, and work uploaded by anyone who wants their work to be seen by everyone.

Tell me what you think of this idea.

Great idea man.
The idea Sucks!


I haven't really had a chance to do much to the site in a while
but I just added a couple more pictures of Lynda
check them out if you like


More pictures in the "Lynda as herself" gallery, hope you like...
btw, i have been noticeing that lately
this server has been a little slow, it may just be me,
but if it is reeaalllly slow for you too let me know if you have a chance.


Well the bio section is still not up, but i did add
more pictures to the gallery of Lynda,
that "dark haired beauty" as Wonder Woman. enjoy. More soon!


i added a few pictures to the "Lynda as herself" gallery, enjoy.
more pictures soon.


well, some of the page is up....
in case you didn't notice , this page in still under construction,
i have a few pictures of Lynda up in the gallery.
i will have more for you soon.
i am still collecting information for the biography section,
that will be available soon as well. Please,
take the time to say something, either post something on the guestbook
for everyone to see, or go to email and send me
your comment personally.